My very good friend and new (venture partner) Susan Morrow and I have just launched a new business. Interior Design Camp NYC, Inc. Since we both have been inundated by young people around the country asking for advise on how to get into the Interior Design field, we have decided to run a camp for teenagers 15-18 years old.
There will be two (one week) sessions starting in August 2012.
Kids will come to NYC with a parent or guardian and stay with family, or in a nearby hotel.
Our sessions will be Monday -Friday 10:00-4:00PM, with an end of the week competition, and celebration.
The week will comprise of seminars by professionals in the field, visits to all the principal showrooms and leading design centers and a tour and seminar of the prominent New York School Of Interior Design.
By the end of the week the campers will have a much greater understanding of this field after exploring the industry from the inside out.... Save the date...
We will start taking reservations December 1, 2011..
Please check out our web site for more details...